We have more than 35 years of experience of cooperation with shipping companies which operate up to 380 ships and with domestic and foreign customers. This experience forms a broad portfolio for the professional fulfilment of the given tasks.
- Take the pressure off your company
- Save money and resources
- Take advantage of our know-how
In addition to the preparation of payroll accounting according to German and international law, we offer the complete service of a personnel office.
Our goal is to have satisfied customers. In order to guarantee this in the long term, we work with you together to develop a concept for the data flow tailored to your company. Based on this concept, you provide the required data to prepare the accounts. And we ensure smooth processing, speedy processing, and compliance with statutory reporting deadlines.
- Individual concept for your internal data flow
- Smooth communication and fast exchange of data
- Guaranteed compliance with reporting deadlines
Payroll accounting for shipping are different compared with normal pay slips. The calculation of social insurance for sailors who get paid according to German law is not based on the gross amount but on a so-called average pay. Foreign sailors on German ships have often concluded “net wage agreements”. For payroll accounting under German flag in the ISR, the gross amount is determined. Additionally, we calculate income tax and any social insurance contributions (including the German seaman’s fund).
For the initial preparation of your payroll statements, we need some company-specific information, which we will ask for once at the beginning. In dialogue with you, we determine the schedule and discuss any special features.
- Creation of individual office forms
- Use of payroll documents and various time statements
For the monthly accounting data we can provide you with a clearly structured form in various formats, which you fill in and forward to us.

We apply our know-how in the right place and thus ensure more effectiveness. Within a very short time after receiving the required data we will send you the invoices, preferably digital.
- Receipt of invoices within a few days
- Preparation of accounting documents and certificates
- Support for tax audits and external wage tax audits
In addition to creating the various accounting documents, our service also includes the creation of certificates. The tax audits of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See which take place in our company are accompanied by us. All documents are stored in a digital archive.
Since 1978 we have been successfully working for shipping companies, crew managers, tax consultants and maritime companies as a service provider and consultant for the entire field of payroll accounting.
Payroll accounting for the shipping industry
Our team is specialized in the preparation of payroll statements for sailors as well as for land based employees. Our customers are mainly shipping companies for whom we prepare payroll statements.
- Preparation of wage and salary statements for sailors and land based employees
- Complete scope of duties of a personnel office
Our team has many years of experience and takes over all tasks of a personnel office.

International accounting and payment transactions
We maintain a high professional level and are familiar with cooperation of different crew managers in international traffic. We support a large spectrum of customers from small shipping companies to those with more than 380 ships.
- Cooperation with international crew managers
- electronic provision of payment transactions SEPA/DTAZV/ebics
The regular review of the wage documents by pension and health insurance institutions takes place at our premises.

Advantages of outsourcing the entire payroll accounting process
Do not burden your company with unnecessary personnel and software costs during the preparation of your wages accounts. Instead, use the know-how we acquired over many years at transparent prices and without hidden additional costs.
- Save personnel and software costs
- No hidden additional costs
Your advantage is that you can concentrate on your core competencies and thus use your resources efficiently. We support you by making our specialist knowledge available to you as an external service provider.

Safe and comfortable according to DSGVO and BDSG
All documents, certificates and receipts, generated by us or received from you and/or third parties, are electronically archived in accordance with the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (DSGVO) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).
- Archiving of data according to DSGVO and BDSG
- Provision and retrievability of data
You can rely on our secure and orderly archiving and save yourself the time it takes to find the data.

Keep the overview at all times
Maintain an overview of your controlling by creating various reports such as vacation provisions, evaluations or contribution reconciliations.
- Broad range of reports for controlling
- Keep an eye on your goals
Our team has the know-how and the technical means necessary for you to achieve your controlling objectives in cooperation with us.

Work more flexible, faster and cheaper
We are specialized in designing an individual workflow for your internal data flow. Always in dialogue with you. This ensures a smooth communication path and your workload is put to good use in the right place.
- Creation of a company-related and optimized workflow
- Use your working time effectively and precisely
The method of workflow optimization has proven itself in the past and ensures a smoother data exchange between ship, crew manager and accountant.

What resources can your company save?
Dead end payrolls? Take advantage of our know-how!
Shipowners benefit from extensive subsidies. Every year, the federal government makes almost 58 million euros available for subsidies for ancillary wage costs and training places. In addition, there will be around 20 million euros for withholding income tax.
In addition, the German Maritime Foundation (Stiftung Schifffahrtsstandort Deutschland) supports the training and further education of sailors with around 20 million euros.
The fees for ship safety certificates are favourable compared to others and there are no annual registration fees.
- Let us advise you in submitting your applications
- Receive the grants to which you are entitled
- Expand your resources
Since 2017, not only ships flying the German flag have been eligible for subsidised non-wage labour costs, but also the flags of the EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.
Our team has specialized in acquiring the extensive grants and has the necessary know-how. We will assist you in submitting the applications.

Udo Coors
A trusting and lasting cooperation with our customers is our goal. The following principles have been our values for implementation from the beginning to the present day:
- Qualified
- Specialized
- Reliable
- Personal
Our company emerged from Heinz Ernst’s Payroll Accounting office, which was founded in 1978. Udo Coors and Rainer Timm took over in 2006 and the office has been run by Udo Coors since November 2010. This was also the starting point for the company’s strong growth.
Various aspects form the everyday business and the specialist areas of the partner and founder of the company: The implementation of valid and constantly changing legal bases in dealing with social security law and tax law issues, the application and implementation of the Maritime Labour Act in payroll accounting and employment contracts, the sailors’ pay certificates, as well as the dispute with the various auditing bodies.
The specialized knowledge finds a purposeful conversion in close co-operation with the customers in the sense of the customer need. That is ensured through and based on further experience in the maritime industry and previous tasks in the logistics and personnel management, as well as the provision of the different services for customers from the most different ranges of the shipping.
The sole shareholder adjusted the company’s processes and work flows to the latest digital developments and necessities. His special knowledge in preparation of German and international wages and salaries statements, as well as the processing of master and transaction data, starting with the crewing agency, the data from on board the ships and ending with automatic processing in the financial accounting of the customers played a significant part in transforming the company and leading it into the digital age.